I'm a Woman.

In Poland, women hear the word NO all too often. With this campaign, we wanted to empower all women into saying YES instead. This was a tribute to women's diversity, emotions, independence and strength.


  • YES Jewellery

My Role

Creative Direction




Social Media

Point of Sale

Other People

  • Krzysztof Grajper. dir
  • Gosia Turczyńska. photo
  • Tosia Ruszkowska. ad
  • Aleksander Madej. cw


  • 180heartbeats+JvM


  • October 2021

The film.

The heroines of the spot are strong and exceptional women: Ola Żebrowska, a famous influencer and businesswoman mom of three; Kasia Zillmann, Olympic silver winner, and her girlfriend Julia Walczak; Ola Wiederek-Barańska, activist for research and prevention of breast cancer; Christina Flagmeier, who became a model at age 74, and Bogna Golec, plus size model.

Sponsored Billboard.

Additionally, we've created 8" sponsoring TV spots in which Neo Mosa, a gender fluid person, was featured under the message “I'm a woman if I feel like one".

  68% of surveyed women don't feel represented in commercials, and 81% would like to see more diverse women used in advertising.


Along with the TV commercial, we also created a series of prints for both Outdoor and Stores. These were displaying pictures of our heroines, alongside headlines which kept the I'm" element from the spot, and added different words to represent the realities of these diverse women.

Results: from censorship to buzz.

Our commercial was banned from TVP, the polish national tv, which is strictly connected to the far-right ruling party. Far from silencing the campaign, it generated a “Streisand effect" which contributed to our impressive results:

As part of its social notoriety, the campaign was featured in dozens of local and international portals and newspapers, among them Vogue, Glamour and Newsweek. There's even an interview about the campaign here.